2 Days Terminology Summer School online.
- Full access to online lectures and workshops (2 days of your choice)
- Networking with trainers and peers,
- Online terminology speed dating during breaks.
Excluding: VAT for Non-EU countries
199,00 € excluding 20% VAT
2 Days TSS 2024 online means utmost flexibility: You do not need to choose your days now – just register and choose which 2 days you want to attend by June 23.
Day 1 is all about Terminology as a Science: Terminology work and scientific research at Georgian Universities and Government Institutions will be presented and discussed, as well as related fields, such as lexicography.
Day 2 is dedicated to TERMINOLOGY, TRANSLATION AND TECHNOLOGY: We will talk about new features of IATE, the multilingual EU terminology database, and discuss terminology theory and practice for translation purposes. In the afternoon, two workshops will deal with Terminology without Borders (environment terminology), and with term extraction tools.
Day 3 will focus on TERMINOLOGY MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY: In the morning, we will get an overview on quality standards and future key competences of language and terminology professionals. In the afternoon, three workshops will be about the basics of terminology management: how to search and collect terminology, how to coin terms, how to professionally manage work in private and public institutions.
Day 4 is dedicated to TERMINOLOGY STRATEGIES: We will discuss crisis terminology, terminology and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how to argue the importance of terminology and involve relevant stakeholders The afternoon workshops are about future trends in terminology.
Day 5 is the highlight of TSS 2024: After an introduction of the ECQA Certificate, the European Driving Licence for Terminology Professionals, your colleagues and peers from all over the world will present their own terminology projects. The presentations also count as oral exam, if you intend to qualify as ECQA Certified Terminology Manager.
Choose your TSS Day by June 23.
Please note that the TSS programme may be subject to change at any time.
Choose your TSS Days by June 23.
Please note that the TSS programme may be subject to change at any time.
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excl. 20% VAT
2 Days Terminology Summer School online.
Excluding: VAT for Non-EU countries
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