TSS 2023 is hybrid again

TermNet's Terminology Summer School from 17-21 July 2023 in Naples (Italy) & online

TSS 2021

Book Full Package

Are you ready for your terminology licence?

TSS 2021

Book 1 Day

All days are great! Which one do you choose?

TSS 2021

Book 2 Days

Combine two days you are most interessted in.

TSS 2021

Book 3 Days

Not an easy choice. Which one will you skip?

You do not need to choose your day now – just register and chose your single TSS day by June 25. 

Gabriele Sauberer,

Pre-TSS Day - 30. June 2021

TSS's Pay-per-Day model explained

It’s simple: Just choose on how many days you want to attend. Afterwards decide on the days you are most interessted in until June 25.

Our goal is to provide you with a flexibel Terminology Summer School which fits your needs and interessts.

What to Expect?

Do you want to know why Terminology Theory is important? And about Terminology Resources and Databases?

Then Day 1 is a good pick for you.

Do you want to dive deeper into new stuff, such as Terminology and Machine Translation, or new job profiles for translators and language workers?

Then Day 2 is ideal for you.

Are you interested in technology and tools? Want to hear great case studies and terminology scenarios for translators?

Then Day 3 is for you.

Your colleagues and peers from all over the world will present their own terminology projects. This is the oral exam to qualify as ECQA Certified Terminology Manager. Reserve your slot, if you want to go for the certificate and make your terminology driving licence.

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